Tender bid management system is to manage the first initiative taken for business in term of tender quote to various projects under Government/Private Sector. This solution runs on web based application that can be accessed from anywhere with different users. Managing a procurement is very difficult and exacting task. It's important that communication to and from bidders is timely, and accurate, so that the best result can be achieved. Our tender bid management software system would easily manage anything about tender procurement.
While the tender bid management system tend to focus on the detail of collating bidders' information, specifications, and other information, there is a stable need to communicate with suppliers, and staff during a procurement and without delay.
Optimum result mean that everyone should be kept notified about answers to issues raised, project updates, and any significant changes that perhaps occur. Legal advisers are often involved, and they require to be plugged continuously into the procedure.
Customer float tender to pre listed vendors, some of them are approved and some are not approved. Technical bid consist of Item description category wise, and its quality. When a proposed technical help is required, then it must be checked against the state technical needs.
"EMD" referred to as the "earnest money deposit", in the proposed solution EMD details would be mentioned. The main reason for the deposit is to attract the seller.
In the tender system, commercial quote required to mention. Rate are calculated by many methods e.g. basic, excise duty, sales tax etc.
If security deposit is needed, it can be mention in tender module.
Last date of submission and opening date of tender require to be mentioned in each tender.
After opening of tender details of L1, L2 and L3 would be mentioned. In case your organization is not L1 then till its position all participant details would be mentioned, It would also consist of details of approved and not approved vendor.
EMD return date can be mention in tender module.
If required soft copy of the tender/other documents can be uploaded in the system for further reference.
Our tender management software enable procurement company to manage the activities of tenders. This software would be able to compile online tender documentation, enable the pre-qualifying of suppliers, and enable you to invite and receive bids. A really excellent feature is that allows internal messaging.
We welcome you at our Company, and we make you sure that your experience with us will be appreciated by you.
Call us now at +91-9984585777 // +91-9119955333 or contact us for a quote